I am not even finish with this project but I had to share! Its turning out beautiful! So just to let you know, its not completely finish. When its completely finish I will post pictures!
So Saturday my husband and I woke up around 9:30 a.m. We were really tired. We said good morning to each other and then I said, "lets go to yard sales"? I laughed, my husband laughed and then he said "yeah, lets go"! Let me tell you, I am glad we went because I finally found what I have been looking for so long! I found this beautiful dresser at a yard sale for only $5! Yes, thats right, five dollars. I knew the moment I saw it, that it would be perfect as an entry table. Of course, I thought about painting and wanted a cool look for the top.
The dresser had been decoupaged with white tissue paper and I loved the look. It was just a little dirty and it needed to be sanded. The texture was great, the size was perfect the details aaaah.. love the details!
Today in the morning, my husband and I woke up and immediately began working on our project. I was excited! Even princess, our Chihuahua was excited! Look at her! How funny, she closed her eyes when I was taking the picture!

I love the details in this dresser!

My husband used the blower to clean it off a little! The people who I bought this from used to own a store. The girl told me they used this dresser as a make up display!

I know I could've went the easy way and use spray paint, but I wanted this dresser to match the wall behind our t.v. so we used sponge brushes.

Once I finished painting, I knew I wanted the top to have a cool look. I didn't want to paint it, I wanted to decoupage. If you noticed in all the pictures on top, I used brown craft paper to use at the bottom to avoid bigger messes. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a huge roll of craft paper and I use it for all my crafts. I thought, how would it look if I decoupage on top of the dresser? I didn't think twice and I did it! This is a tricky step. I didn't have much mod podge and it was difficult. I probably had 1/4 left, and I barely made it! You have to make sure to have enough glue for the paper to stick, and then enough glue to put on top. I squeezed that sucker mod podge till the last drop! For this step, it is much better to use your hands than the sponge. Beware, this project is messy! :) After it dries, give it a good couple of coats of clear varnish.

Here are some pictures of the table in my living room. It is still not complete, but it looks so nice I couldn't wait to share. It really looks like leather! It looks like we paid tons of money, when we only spent $5. Wow.. this amazes me! :) I am happy!

Look how the clear varnish turned out?

They are not the best pictures, but just wanted to give you an idea. We don't have much lighting in our living room! Working on it! I ordered my wedding pictures and they will go in the frame on top. Cant wait to see final results! Please, leave me comments and if you have done a project similar to this one, please share! I love to see what other people have done!