Have you heard about baby gender reveal parties?
There are mixed opinions about having a gender reveal party; in my opinion I think its great!
We had our gender reveal ultrasound on Friday, July 30th but really did not find out until the next day at our party. This was the most amazing and exciting party ever! I truly mean it!
I sent out this invitation I did about 3 weeks ago.
It was a "Team Boy" - "Team Girl" theme party, pink and blue of course. Guest had to wear blue if they thought it was a boy, or pink if they thought it was a girl.
I also did a few fun games.
First, who ever brought diapers they received a ticket for a raffle of a $25 giftcard to Olive Garden. We had so many diapers at the end of the day!
Second, we hid a pink bow and a blue pacifier somewhere in the kitchen. The point of the game was for us not to tell anyone and see if anyone could spot the items while being in the kitchen. Well, it didnt work. No one ever spotted the items. So before the reveal, I just let everyone know and played. It was so much fun!
We ended not playing the third game because everyone was so anxious to find out the sex of our baby.
Here is the invitation I did.

There were way more people in Team Boy!

I used pink and blue decorations for the party. I mainly bought streamers and balloons! Inexpensive and cute! I started buying party stuff about a month ago. Anything that was blue or pink and would work for the party I would buy.

All the food had cute tags that were made with scrapbook paper and a stamp. So easy and they turned out so cute.

In one corner of my kitchen I had all the drinks. I had sodas, water bottles, pink lemonade and blue hawaiian punch.
I bought these adorable unbreakable drink jugs at Sams Club. They were a hit! I did have trouble finding a blue drink.

I used the same paper as the food tags to make these watter bottle labels. They were so easy to make and looked so cute!

4 out of my 7 best friends are pregnant including myself. Isnt that crazy?

My husband and I before the reveal. So excited!!

Here are the cupcakes and toppers my sister made. They turned out so cute and delicious!

So we had all guest wait until I counted to three to take a bite out of the cupcake and see if we found a blue m&m, or a pink.
I found a blue m&m inside.
IT'S A BOY!!!!!!!
This was so much fun!!! Everyone was excited and had so much fun!
We cant wait to meet our baby, Isaac.