I am in love with all the girly girl hair accesories! Love them! Especially flowers!
I started making these flower headbands for my niece and guess what? I fell in love with them and kept them! ha... Dont worry, I will be making more for her! This is a super easy project that anyone can do.
Materials needed:
Glue gun
Braided elastic
Tulle (optional)

1. Separate your flower.

2. Cut 2 circles out of felt. (1 1/2in. diameter) Size of circle depends on size of flower.
Glue the first layer of flower on top of the felt circle.
3. Continue gluing the flower pieces together.
4. When finished gluing the flower, I added glue to the center of flower and used beads to decorate. You can also use swarovski crystals, ribbon, buttons etc...
5. I added hot pink and black tulle to the bottom of the flower.

6. Cut a piece of elastic (around 18 - 20 inches) I dont like it to tight thats why I cut the elastic a little longer.
7. Glue the ends of the elastic together. Using the 2nd piece of felt glue the elastic and the flower on top.
This is how the final project turned out!
I am loving the messy hair style! It looks so cute with the flowers! I'll be styling one of these tomorrow!
Hope you have enjoyed this easy tutorial! If you make any, I would love to see pictures!