It feels weird posting after so long. Ive been sick. Really sick. Remember I told you I was diagnosed with pleurisy? Well from pleurisy it went to early pneumonia & bronchitis... I am taking really STRONG medication all this week and using my neubelizer 4 times a day. I just want to get better. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I am eating healthy and exercising several times a week. I have faith that by the end of this week I will be the same ol' me! :) I miss doing my crafts and projects! I have a feeling SoLovelyCreations will be coming back soon with many projects! Thanks to everyone for your prayers and comments. They really do make me feel better!
We did take a trip to Rosarito last weekend. It was fun, but half of the time I was sick. :( More pictures on our
Family Blog. Theres me!

So I am joining "Show us where you live Friday" from Kellys Korner. I missed last week which was laundry room. You all have seen my laundry room but here it is again! I am planning to change a few things. I will let you know.


Welcome to our Master Bedroom.

These are some of the pictures we took from our 1 year anniversary. I had a few blank spaces and decided to decorate with scrapbook paper. You never go wrong with scrapbook paper. I love how it turned out!

Here is the entrance to our bedroom. I really do feel like a queen in this room. I feel very calm and relaxed when I am in my room.
Four poster bed! Yeahhhh.. I love it! I've always wanted a four poster bed. It looks so elegant and different. The colors look perfect!

This is a BEFORE picture: 
I dont have the T.V there anymore. I decided to go with a seating area. Next Picture.

I needed to incorporate my 105 year old books in our room. Aren't they lovely? I bought a set of 13 books.

One of my favorite photos we took for our 1st year anniversary! Its so Vogue! ha..
FREEBIEI almost forgot. Gliden is giving a way a free quart of paint. All you have to do is
go here, choose color, fill out your information and you are done! Happy Painting! I choose cinnamon spice. So pretty.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at the pictures. If you have any ideas, comments, suggestions anything please let me know! I'd love to know what you think!
I told you I was going to share some pictures we took for our anniversary, so here you go! Enjoy!